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We had a great 2023 Veterans Day at Murdoch's Parker, CO. King Soopers in Parker was the site for our annual fund raiser. The Daisy's were a great addition to our fund raising crew. This years membership drive with the cooperation of the Tanner Gun show folks was a huge success.  We made new friends, gave hugs to old friends and celebrated our joint services to our US military. 

These are our members conducting cleanup on a bright sunny morning in Parker Co. The Crew at Murdock's in Parker, CO VFW Post 4266 was at this years Parker Days. The weather was great the crowds were huge. Many of our residents in Parker meet our Post for the first time.  It was a wonderful family reunion for Veterans looking for a VFW home. Post's first ever Front Yard Makeover complete. It's time for baseball at Coor's Field. VFW Post 4266 is going to the baseball park on the 31st of Aug at 610pm Even the young want to be part of the Celebration at King Soopers on Veterans Day. Leading the Parade - VFW Post 4266 Color Guard